

Anyone who knows our family knows that a good portion of our lives revolve around Eddie and his Allergies. Granted, he's not one of those wheat/dairy/nuts/everything under the sun allergy kids, but even looking at pictures of things furry or damp or dusty sends him into sneezing fits and brings to the surface of his skin dry scaly rashes that are nearly impossible to get rid of. However, we manage to avoid most of his allergens, and we're lucky to be able to do so. We live(d) in a pet free home that I diligently dust and vacuum, and aided with a healthy dose of Zyrtek we manage to visit our pet-loving family members without him going into asthmatic shock as he did as a toddler. His allergist, who's been on our Christmas Card list for a few years now, can't believe how well he's doing. Unfortunately, a few days ago, we found this in the cold, wet driveway: Something about a warm, purring, wriggly little body in your hands sort of removes all fear and apprehension, all LOGIC from your mind. Of COURSE Eddie would be fine if this poor starving kitten slummed it with us for a while! We're not even sure he's still allergic, right??? Besides, it'll be a BASEMENT cat! Just to kill the mice! Clint resisted for about 20 seconds, until I smooshed the putty-like kitten up against his face a couple of times and he agreed, "It would be nice to get rid of the mice." We named her Pumpkin, because she's our Halloween cat. He was in the car buying food and litter and flea bath before I could tell him what a bad idea it'd be, us getting a cat when walking by a pet store makes Ed sneeze. We told Eddie we we're her foster parents and might only be able to keep her for a little while, until permanent parents came to claim her. Like the humane society, where we're probably going to end up taking her when Eddie goes into anaphylactic shock. She's only ventured out of the basement a couple of times, when she smells Taco Bell and hears the Daily Show starting, long after the kids have gone to bed, but she's skittish enough that it doesn't last long. Her domain is the basement, or what we now call Pumpkin's Dungeon. It's nice to have a pet around again, but I'm hoping she won't get too comfortable and start LAYING on the FURNITURE. Because then we'd for sure have to get rid of her. Good thing cats hate laying on warm, cushy couches. I don't know what I was thinking.


Blogger Mike Taylor said...

Ooh ... you've done it now. But if Edison does go into anacyclopticphnolic (or whatever) shock, lemme know. We'll take the cat. Just don't tell Julie I said that. Intead, show up at the house and say you found it out front of our place, being attacked by a pit bull or something. She LOVES to rescue helpless, pathetic critters. (She married me, right?)

4:06 PM  
Blogger Em said...

Tooooooootally just did the same thing, dontchaknow. Josh and I found her on a cold, rainy night...she was comin' out of the alley and walking right in front of Walgreens. I keep telling him that, since he was so insitent...she's his. Her whiskers had been all cut or burned off...so I wasn't all that enthused about finding out who'd had her and returning her, ya know?

4:50 PM  
Blogger ms. meshuga said...

This one's momma was still taking care of her, no burned whiskers or anything, but seriously. Winter? Baby kitten? How could anyone resist? Good to know there's others out there with such little willpower!

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure whose cuter, the cat or Rosaroo. OK, Rosy is the definition of cute, so I guess she is.

12:20 AM  

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