
Uncooked Dough

Today I actually SPLIT THE BACK OF MY PANTS. Straight down the middle, right between the left and right butt cheek, like a pressurized tube of biscuits they popped in a neat seam. Like, I should be working out instead of sitting in front of my computer. Over the weekend I finished unpacking. This was a chore I began some nine months ago when we purchased the house and somehow neglected to finish. Some of the boxes were packed with stuff we actually needed, too, like we've all been sharing the same two towels for months now because no one wanted to scavenge through the disaster also known as 'the basement.' But now we have a full linen closet! I also found a bunch of pictures and knick knacks I forgot about, and three huge boxes of CDs. I had the urge to throw away the CDs, because why bother keeping them? In case the computer AND the Ipod crash at the same time and we're left completely music-less? Maybe they'll make good garage sale fodder. Who knows? I repacked them, and they're in the basement with the rest of the crap I can't bring myself to toss. The kids can sort through when we die. Let the guilt of filling the landfills rest of THEIR shoulders. Next stop: The Office/Storage Room. Maybe next weekend. Who knows what treasure lies within!


Blogger Mike Taylor said...

Don't worry about the pants, tubby, it's easy to sew up a seam. Bring 'em with you next time you visit and I'll insert an extra yard or so of fabric back there! I say this with nothing but love, of course.

12:21 PM  

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